Wednesday, January 27, 2016

obg mcq and model question paper

Obstetrical and Gynecological Nursing (Including Midwifery)

Total mark: 75    
Maximum   time:-3 hrs
Section: B     
Time: 2 hrs 40 minutes
Marks: 55

I.                    LONG ESSAY (ANSWER TO ALL THE QUESTION)                                                                                                 (3X10=30)
          1. a) Define multiple pregnancies. (1)
   b) Describe the types of twins. (3)
   c) Discuss the complications associated with multiple pregnancies. (6)
2. List the indications for caesarean section and explain the pre and post   operative management of patient undergoing caesarean section. (10)
3. a) What is breech presentation? (2)
    b) Explain the management of labor in breech delivery.  (8)

II.                  SHORT ESSAY (ANSWER TO ANY 5)                                                                                                         (5X5=25)
4.     Induction of labor.
5.     Injuries to the birth canal
6.     Low birth weight babies
7.     Threatened abortion
8.     Ante partum hemorrhage
9.     Puerperal sepsis

Obstetrical and Gynecological Nursing (Including Midwifery)

Total mark: 75    
Maximum   time:-3 hrs
Section: A     
Time: 20 Minutes
Marks: 1X20=20

1.       1. When talking with a pregnant client who is experiencing aching swollen, leg veins, the nurse would explain that this is most probably the result of which of the following?

a)      Thrombophlebitis

b)      Pregnancy-induced hypertension

c)       Pressure on blood vessels from the enlarging uterus
d)      The force of gravity pulling down on the uterus

2.       Which of the following statements best describes hyperemesis gravidarum?
a)      Severe anemia leading to electrolyte, metabolic, and nutritional imbalances in the absence of other medical problems.
b)      Severe nausea and vomiting leading to electrolyte, metabolic, and nutritional imbalances in the absence of other medical problems.
c)       Loss of appetite and continuous vomiting that commonly results in dehydration and ultimately decreasing maternal nutrients
d)      Severe nausea and diarrhea that can cause gastrointestinal irritation and possibly internal bleeding
3.       Which of the following would the nurse identify as a classic sign of PIH?

a)      Edema of the feet and ankles
b)      Edema of the hands and face
c)       Weight gain of 1 lb/week
d)      Early morning headache

4.          In which of the following types of spontaneous abortions would the nurse assess dark brown vaginal discharge and negative pregnancy tests?

a)      Threatened
b)      Imminent
c)       Missed
d)      Incomplete

5.       Which of the following factors would the nurse suspect as predisposing a client to placenta previa?

a)      Multiple gestation
b)      Uterine anomalies
c)       Abdominal trauma
d)      Renal or vascular disease

6.       Which of the following would the nurse assess in a client experiencing abruptio placenta?

a)      Bright red, painless vaginal bleeding
b)      Concealed or external dark red bleeding
c)       Palpable fetal outline
d)      Soft and nontender abdomen

7.       Which of the following may happen if the uterus becomes overstimulated by oxytocin during the induction of labor?

a)      Weak contraction prolonged to more than 70 seconds
b)      Tetanic contractions prolonged to more than 90 seconds
c)       Increased pain with bright red vaginal bleeding
d)      Increased restlessness and anxiety

8.       Which of the following best describes preterm labor?
a)      Labor that begins after 20 weeks gestation and before 37 weeks gestation
b)      Labor that begins after 15 weeks gestation and before 37 weeks gestation
c)       Labor that begins after 24 weeks gestation and before 28 weeks gestation
d)      Labor that begins after 28 weeks gestation and before 40 weeks gestation

9.       When PROM occurs, which of the following provides evidence of the nurse’s understanding of the client’s immediate needs?
a.       The chorion and amnion rupture 4 hours before the onset of labor.
b.      PROM removes the fetus most effective defense against infection
c.       Nursing care is based on fetal viability and gestational age.
d.      PROM is associated with malpresentation and possibly incompetent cervix
10.   Which of the following factors is the underlying cause of dystocia?

a)      Nurtional
b)      Mechanical
c)       Environmental
d)      Medical

11.   When uterine rupture occurs, which of the following would be the priority?

a)      Limiting hypovolemic shock
b)      Obtaining blood specimens
c)       Instituting complete bed rest
d)      Inserting a urinary catheter

12.   Which of the following amounts of blood loss following birth marks the criterion for describing postpartum hemorrhage?

a)      More than 200 ml
b)      More than 300 ml
c)       More than 400 ml
d)      More than 500 ml

13.      Which of the following assessment findings would the nurse expect if the client develops DVT?
a)      Midcalf pain, tenderness and redness along the vein
b)      Chills, fever, malaise, occurring 2 weeks after delivery
c)       Muscle pain the presence of Homans sign, and swelling in the affected limb
d)      Chills, fever, stiffness, and pain occurring 10 to 14 days after delivery
14.   For the client who is using oral contraceptives, the nurse informs the client about the need to take the pill at the same time each day to accomplish which of the following?

a)      Decrease the incidence of nausea
b)      Maintain hormonal levels
c)       Reduce side effects
d)      Prevent drug interactions

15.   When developing a plan of care for a client newly diagnosed with gestational diabetes, which of the following instructions would be the priority?

a)      Dietary intake
b)      Medication
c)       Exercise
d)      Glucose monitoring

16.   Which of the following would be the priority nursing diagnosis for a client with an ectopic pregnancy?

a)      Risk for infection
b)      Pain
c)       Knowledge Deficit
d)      Anticipatory Grieving

17.   During a pelvic exam the nurse notes a purple-blue tinge of the cervix. The nurse documents this as which of the following?

a)      Braxton-Hicks sign
b)      Chadwick’s sign
c)       Goodell’s sign
d)      McDonald’s sign

18.   The nurse understands that the fetal head is in which of the following positions with a face presentation?

a)      Completely flexed
b)      Completely extended
c)       Partially extended
d)      Partially flexed

19.   A patient is in labor and has just been told she has a breech presentation. The nurse should be particularly alert for which of the following?

a)      Quickening
b)      Ophthalmia neonatorum
c)       Pica
d)      Prolapsed umbilical cord

20 .  A gravidocardiac mother is advised to observe bed rest primarily to 
a)      Allow the fetus to achieve normal intrauterine growth
b)      Minimize oxygen consumption which can aggravate the condition of the compromised heart of the mother
c)       Prevent perinatal infection
d)      Reduce incidence of premature labor

1.       Ans: c
2.       Ans: b
3.       Ans:b
4.       Ans: c
5.       Ans: a
6.       Ans: b
7.       Ans: b
8.       Ans:a
9.       Ans: b
10.   Ans: b
11.   Ans: a
12.   Ans d
13.   Ans: c
14.   Ans:b
15.   Ans: a
16.   Ans: b
17.   Ans:b
18.   Ans:b
19.   Ans:d
20.   Ans: b

pediatric osce questions

1.    Measure the height and weight of the child. (real child)
Height in cm:
Weight in Kg:

2.    6 month old infant admitted in pediatric ICU with the diagnosis of meningitis. Baby weight is 5.3 kg.  Doctor prescribed 15mg/kg/dose of vancomycin3 times a day. Vial contains 500mg.
a)    How much mg of vancomycin can be given to that 6 month old infant?
b)    What is the Action of vancomycin?

3.    A 2 years toddler with 12 kg body weight admitted in pedia ward with the diagnosis of acute gastroenteritis. To replace the water loosed (and therefore the water requirement) the physician prescribed isotonic solution.
a)    Calculate the fluid requirement of toddler with 12 kg body weight per day?

4.    A preterm baby was diagnosed to have respiratory distress syndrome. The neonatologist wants to intubate the preterm newborn to rescuer in NICU.
a)    What is the blade size for laryngoscope to visualize the trachea?
b)   The diameter of the ET tube used for preterm newborn.
c)   Formula to decide approximate size of endotracheal tube

a)    Name the scale?
b)   Score 8 describes what?

a)    Name the picture (e)
b)   Which one is the most common defect?

7.    Calculate the degree of malnutrition according to Gomez classification to this child? (real child)

8.    A term male newborn born at 6am in AIIMS Rishikesh on 23/11/2015, baby is healthy cries immediately after birth and Apgar score at 5 minutes was 9/10.
a).  Assessment findings of head of the newborn includes ________, ______________-, _______________, ___________ and, _____________

9.      Fill the Colum with relevant data

Dose in ML


DPT  and OPV  3rd dose

a)    Clinical assessment of jaundice with dermal zone is called __________ rule.

b)   Yellowish discoloration of palms and soles  indicates bilirubin level is____________mg/ml

pediatric osce questions

1.  Classification of age of children from birth to 18 years.


2.  Write any five international rights of the children.

3.  A 2 years old child admitted in paediatric medicine ward with the complaints of loose motion since two days.

a)  Write the management of baby with diarrhoea.
b) Complication of severe diarrhoea.

4.  After receiving an immunization for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis, a child develops swelling and tenderness at the injection site, a low-grade fever, and malaise.
a)  What is the role of paediatric nurse in this situation?
b) Give any two examples for combined vaccines.
c)   Write any two examples for antisera.

5.  Master Rajesh is a 5 year old child admitted in paediatric surgical ward. Physician prescribed Amikacin 250mg IM.
a)  Write the reaction of preschool child to pain.
b) Name any 3 Scales used to assess pain of children.

6.  An adolescent, with chronic asthma, who has been hospitalized several times during the winter with severe asthmatic exacerbations confides, “I wish I could stay here in the hospital because every time that I go home, I get sick again!” The podiatric nurse's best response is: …(chose the right answer)
a)    “I think that you should consider participating on a swim team to improve your pulmonary function."
b)    Let's talk about preventing and managing your asthma on a daily basis at home."
c)    Why don't I speak with your parents about what they are doing at home to help control your asthma?"
d)    Your insurance company does not pay for any additional days of hospitalization that are not medically necessary."

7.  A one year old child chest X rays shows egg shaped heart.  And child shows signs of severe cyanosis.  Child was diagnosed to have congenital heart disease.
a)  Egg shape heart in radiological report indicates what congenital heart disease?
b) Write any three cyanotic heart diseases.

8.  6 years old female child seems to be very close to her father than mother.
a)  Write five stages of psychosexual development.
b) Explain about phallic stage.

9.    Mother Arlene says the infant’s physician recommends certain foods but the infant refuses to eat them afterbreastfeeding. The nurse should suggest that the mother alter the feeding plan by…(chose the right answer)
a) Offering desert followed by vegetable and meat.
b) Offering breast milk as long as the infant refuses to eatsolid food.
c) Mixing minced food with cow’s milk and feeding it tothe infant through a large hole nipple.
d)  Giving the infant a few minutes of breast and then offering solid food

10.                   A 3 year old child was playing with doll, where as another toddler also playing with same kind of doll but not together.
a)  What kind of play those toddlers were playing.
b) Define  sense pleasure play